Hi Everyone.
Welcome to the new page for The AutoDrive Creators. A new partnership between Farmer_Ed_Gaming and JanR73.
You can find us on Discord https://discord.gg/wWyH4GgpPP in our Modding Server (all AutoDrive for now).
Also Farmer_Ed_Gaming's YouTube channel is https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCnj9Ben_me7VaI01xndiqYg
Calmsden by OxygenDavid ((12) Facebook)
Calmsden AutoDrive by The AutoDrive Creators
Green Valley by DJ Modding (DJ Modding | Facebook)
Green Valley AutoDrive by The AutoDrive Creators (itch.io)
Elk Mountain by Elk Mountain Modding (Elk Mountain Modding | Facebook)
Elk Mountain AutoDrive by The AutoDrive Creators (itch.io)
Middleburgh by Nitrodad (Nitrodad Modding | Facebook)
Middleburgh AutoDrive by The AutoDrive Creators (itch.io)
Rennebu by Ola Haldor
Rennebu AutoDrive V2 by The AutoDrive Creators (itch.io)
Stone Valley 22 by Lancyboi
Stone Valley 22 AutoDrive by The AutoDrive Creators (itch.io)
Osada by RajotGPLAY
Osada AutoDrive by The AutoDrive Creators (itch.io)
Red River Manitoba by Camil Mapping
Red River Manitoba AutoDrive by The AutoDrive Creators (itch.io)
Italia Emilia by Edomod
Map Italia Emilia AutoDrive by The AutoDrive Creators (itch.io)
Griffin Indiana by ajFarmer
Griffin Indiana 22 AutoDrive by The AutoDrive Creators (itch.io)
Back Roads County by FSG Modding
Back Roads County AutoDrive by The AutoDrive Creators (itch.io)
Silverrun Forest by GIANTS
Silverrun Forest AutoDrive by The AutoDrive Creators (itch.io)
The Oaks by Farm Sim Brisco
The Oaks AutoDrive by The AutoDrive Creators (itch.io)
Upper Mississippi River Valley (UMRV) by DJ Modding
River Bottom Missouri by River Bottom Modding
River Bottom Missouri AutoDrive by The AutoDrive Creators (itch.io)
Willing to do commissions for other maps if people want and if time allows, please join the discord server at the top.